We are a network of independent authors in our own company "Autoren-Union Mobilität”. We stand for high quality content for all editorial departments in news, driving report, background, commentary, interview and reportage. Our editorial staff always works in Germany with relevant first-hand information. We pass on with Car-Editors.News those, which could find interest also internationally.
Where naked content is convincing, a publication can be all the more inspiring. With the help of our network of experts, topic-related premium titles of the highest journalistic quality are created. Such special-interest publications also attract a great deal of interest on the web. With us, they can be conveniently browsed and read at any time via tablet or smartphone.
The goal of our editorial team since its founding: To provide all media, but especially those that do not have their own motor editorial department, with first-class material in terms of journalism and craftsmanship. This remains the basis of our work: We deliver journalistically cleanly edited, news-driven work.
Our network of ambitious authors delivers expert and opinionated driving reports, background reports, interviews and commentaries.
Our texts are intended to support the editor. That's why we deliver texts that are as ready for print as possible. In the case of photos, videos and audios, we strive for a large selection compiled according to media-specific criteria.
Our archive today comprises 50,000 mostly German text files, 170,000 photos and 2,000 videos, many of them in English, collected over 15 years, always accessible via full text search. Today, almost every fourth inquiry refers to our archive - and the trend is rising.