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Environment & Politics

Patrik Schneider, Unternehmer aus Pforzheim, vertreibt einen erfolgreichen Anti-Musk-Aufkleber
für Tesla-Fahrer.
By Guido Reinking

cenews – January 2, 2025. "At first I just thought the sticker was funny, now I think it's necessary," says Patrik Schneider. He runs an online store for stickers and bicycle accessories. His most successful product at the moment is a sticker for Tesla vehicles with the text: "I bought this before Elon went crazy". Since Tesla founder Elon Musk has been spreading his controversial political theses on the internet, often via his own platform X, more and more drivers of his cars want to distance themselves from him.

cenews – December 4, 2024. Importers are calling for clear framework conditions for the transformation. They see the targets for sales of electric cars as unattainable despite imminent price reductions.

Hyundai Initium.
By Jens Meiners

cenews – October 31, 2024. With the Initium study, the Korean manufacturer has committed itself to the fuel cell as an alternative to its own wide range of battery-powered electric vehicles.

Dodge Charger Daytona.

cenews – October 23, 2024. Stellantis sees the demonstration fleet as the next big step on the way to mass production of the new battery technology with greater energy density and lower weight.

Vehicle to grid: Der Strom kann auch ins Netz zurückfließen.

cenews – October 22, 2024. The Renault Group, Mobilize and The Mobility House offer a vehicle-to-grid system that provides energy for driving and for the power grid.

Mit dem Bentley durch die Schweizer Alpen: Continental GMD.

cenews – October 22, 2024. Bentley presented the Continental GT Speed as a coupé and convertible on 4500 hairpin bends with combustion engines, powered by e-Fules.

cenews – October 22, 2024. There are plans for around 9040 kilometers of pipelines to connect the centers of the hydrogen economy and neighboring countries. Cost: 18.9 billion euros.

Pflicht auch für Camper: Warnung vor dem toten Winkel in Frankreich.
By Michael Kirchberger

cenews – October 21, 2024. Police in France also want to see the large warning signs on tourists' motorhomes to warn them of the blind spot.

Eon und die ADAC Service GmbH bieten ab sofort gemeinsam Ladestationen für Unternehmen an.

cenews – October 15, 2024. Current E-Barometer of the largest car insurer: In less than four percent of all cases, private individuals are currently switching from vehicles with combustion engines to purely electric cars

Guido Reinking, Chefredakteur des Auto-Medienportals.
By Guido Reinking

cenews – October 7, 2024. With only four votes against, including Germany, the EU has spoken out in favor of countermeasures to curb low-priced imports. There is another way.

Mit der 360-Grad-Kamera: Frankfurt.

cenews – September 11, 2024. Study on road safety in Europe - Munich and Hamburg score best in Germany - majority in favor of 30 km/h and a zero alcohol limit.

Meeresschutzinitiative "Under the Pole".

cenews – September 4, 2024. Marine conservation initiative combines worldwide expeditions, scientific research and actions to protect the oceans, two Boxers and three electric cars as support.

Geschwindigkeitskontrolle mit einem „Blitzer“.

cenews – August 6, 2024. German-Swiss police treaty in force since May, Federal Office of Justice responsible for enforcement, AvD gives tips on dealing with unwelcome mail from abroad.

Peter Schwerdtmann.
By Peter Schwerdtmann

cenews – July 29, 2024. The Center for Solar Energy and Hydrogen Research wanted to send us into the weekend with some good news.

Als Teil der WLTP-Zertifizierung muss die Einhaltung der Grenzwerte in einem so genannten RDE-Straßentest (Real Driving Emissions) nachgewiesen werden. Hierfür werden die Entwicklungsfahrzeuge mit portabler Emissionsmesstechnik (PEMS = Portable Emission Measurement System) ausgestattet. Die Messkoffer sitzen auf der Anhängekupplung oder finden im Kofferraum Platz.

cenews – July 22, 2024. Legal opinion: Outdated measurement method leads to unlawful preference for electric drives. Penalties also lack a legal basis.

MG 4 vor der Verschiffung.

cenews – July 4, 2024. After no agreement was reached, the European Union asked the manufacturers to pay. Initially for four months. The rates vary depending on the brand.

cenews – June 20, 2024. President of the Association of German Engineers: "We need more technological expertise in this country's economic policy debates".

MG 4 vor der Verschiffung.

cenews – June 12, 2024. Imports benefited from "unfair subsidies", BYD, Geely and SAIC affected by different percentages, maximum rate 38.1 percent, final decision by July 4.

Peter Schwerdtmann.
By Peter Schwerdtmann

cenews – June 11, 2024. The Wolfsburg-based company is not the first to admit that it has kept the combustion engine on the back burner.

Walther Wuttke.
By Walther Wuttke

cenews – June 10, 2024. Autoren-Union Mobilität changes the service provider for static reporting for the distribution of texts, photos and videos in internet and print media.

Umweltminister Olaf Lies testet das Cargo e-Bike von Volkswagen.
By Peter Schwerdtmann

cenews – May 16, 2024. Lower Saxony's Environment Minister Olaf Lies (SPD) is trying to make an outdated plea for electromobility.


cenews – April 23, 2024. Demand has collapsed, no more new cars and fewer and fewer CNG filling stations, new tanks no longer available in some cases, yet the CO2 balance is similar to that of electric cars.


cenews – April 23, 2024. European Court of Auditors warns of a weakening of industrial sovereignty and the financial overburdening of citizens through climate protection in transport.

Infografik: Nachhaltiger „Curiosity Fuel“-Kaffee für tschechische Skoda-Werke.

cenews – April 22, 2024. Curiosity Fuel" beans are grown especially for the manufacturer in India and Tanzania, and the shells are used to tan leather seats, with a total consumption of 25 tons.

VW ID 7 GTX Tourer.
By Frank Wald

cenews – March 13, 2024. The sporty variants of the Wolfsburg electric car are set to establish themselves as an independent series - and perhaps also breathe new life into electric mobility as a whole.

Sitz der Europäischen Union in Brüssel.

cenews – March 13, 2024. Shift up a gear: Member states are not yet doing enough for road safety to achieve the EU's targets for reducing road deaths.

Senioren im Auto.
By Michael Kirchberger

cenews – March 1, 2024. EU Parliament against roadworthiness tests and for extension to 4.25 tons for electric vehicles and motorhomes, adjustment of the minimum age for bus drivers to 21 years.

Ola Källenius.

cenews – February 12, 2024. Daimler boss Källenius: Product range is geared towards customer wishes: "Perhaps there was a little too much optimism in the entire industry, now there is more realism."

Elektro-Lkw an einer Schnellladesäule von E.ON Drive.

cenews – February 11, 2024. Germany now agrees in the European Council after all. The call for synthetic fuels to be taken into account is said to have been heard in Brussels.

Bosch hat eine kostengünstige Technik entwickelt, mit der Dieselmotoren die aktuellen und ab 2020 gültigen Grenzwerte für Stickoxidemissionen deutlich unterschreiten.

cenews – February 7, 2024. 27 professors present a position paper for diesel and gasoline engines. They offer factual knowledge instead of biased and emotional reporting.


cenews – January 25, 2024. The International Road Transport Union (IRU) demands unhindered access to important trade routes, even during demonstrations and protests.

Vay startet Telefahr-Service in Las Vegas.

cenews – January 21, 2024. Berlin startup Vay launches the first commercial tele-driving service with remote-controlled cars in the US casino metropolis; approval in Germany is still pending.

Auf den Pressefotos von Hannover ist die autofreie Innenstadt bereits konsequent umgesetzt. Auf keinem Motiv findet sich ein Auto.

cenews – January 19, 2024. The story of the low emission zone ends where it began. The state capital of Lower Saxony is not getting a car-free city center either.

DAF XD Electric.

cenews – January 2, 2024. A demonstration program funded by the British government is intended to support the introduction of zero-emission trucks. DAF is participating with XD Electric and XF Electric.

Erinnerung an einen tödlichen Verkehrsunfall.

cenews – December 11, 2023. According to estimates by the Federal Statistical Office, the number of people killed in road traffic accidents fell slightly, but exceeded 2.5 million again for the first time.

Kondensstreifen-Zirren am Himmel.

cenews – December 10, 2023. Even small changes in flight altitude avoid "shading" the sun and thus reduce the climate impact of air traffic.

Euro NCAP.

cenews – December 7, 2023. In its last round of tests in 2024, the European Vehicle Assessment Organization awards eight five-star ratings.

Mercedes-Benz e-Actros.

cenews – December 6, 2023. From 2030, new registrations of diesel-powered commercial vehicles will be banned in Norway. This will already apply to passenger cars from 2025.


cenews – December 5, 2023. The planned Euro 7 emissions standard provides for particulate emissions of 7 milligrams per kilometer; brake filter systems and improved recuperation in electric cars could reduce abrasion.

Mercedes-Benz Actros Lang-Lkw im Praxisversuch „Efficiency Run 2015“.

cenews – December 4, 2023. Transport Minister Volker Wissing signs bilateral agreement on cross-border use, more goods with fewer journeys, CO2 emissions and traffic congestion.


cenews – December 4, 2023. Over 65s are the main culprits in more than two thirds of cases. Older people are more likely to disregard the right of way and make mistakes when turning, turning and reversing.

Unter dem Slogan „e-Fuels for Future“ testen Uniti, ADAC und ZDK einen VW Golf, der mit CO2-neutralen synthetischen Kraftstoffen fährt.
By Carl Biber

cenews – November 11, 2023. Current forecast by Transport & Environment claims superiority for the electric car after an unfair comparison with e-fuel combustion engines.

cenews – November 8, 2023. Scandinavia once again: together with the German "P1 Fuels", drivers of vehicles with petrol engines will be able to buy fossil-free fuel at filling stations from 2024.

Opel CEO Florian Huettl.
By Walther Wuttke

cenews – October 23, 2023. For the Opel boss, battery technology is the only way to make zero emissions widely available, which is why he also criticizes the reduction in government subsidies.

Kollaps mit neuem Verkehrskonzept bei Großveranstaltungen: Weihnachtsmarkt in Hannover.

cenews – September 25, 2023. By 2035, the capital of Lower Saxony is to achieve more mobility with less traffic thanks to a new traffic concept.


cenews – August 17, 2023. Over $100 million for Controlled-Thermal-Resources project, including to make Stellantis streamers eligible for U.S. Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) funding.

Toyota Mirai, im Einsatz für H2Moves in Berlin.

cenews – August 17, 2023. Two-year pilot project "H2 Moves Berlin" with Toyota Mirai draws interim balance, nationwide largest hydrogen fleet in commercial passenger transport.


cenews – August 15, 2023. German Economist Hans-Werner Sinn: If Germany doesn't buy oil, others will, preferably China. 2023 brings new record demand for oil.

Comeback der Benziner: Forsa-Autostudie 2023 im Auftrag der Targobank.

cenews – August 3, 2023. Popularity increases significantly, diesel continues to decline, environmentally friendly image of e-cars crumbles, e-fuels become more popular, majority for speed limit and free public transport.

By Jens Meiners, cen

cenews – August 3, 2023. Many car manufacturers are up in arms against the EU's current plans. The engine expert explainswhy he nevertheless considers the planned emissions standard to be sensible.